Quotes on The British
What annoys me about Britain is the rugged will to lose.
William Camp (b. 1926) British author, communications consultant
We always used to be noted for understatement. The difference is that in the past we never meant it.
Sir William (later Lord) Penney (b. 1900) British scientist
That detached and baronial air of superiority the Briton habitually affects when circumstances beyond his control bring him into the presence of creatures of a lesser breed.
Pierre Van Paassen (1895-1968) American author, journalist, minister
The British tourist is always happy abroad as long as the natives are waiters.
Robert Morley (b. 1908) British actor
Gorgonised me from head to foot with a stony British stare.
Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) English poet
It is equality of monotony which makes the strength of the British Isles.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) American columnist, lecturer, US delegate at United Nations
The national anthem belongs to the eighteenth century. In it you find us ordering God about to do our political dirty work.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Anglo-Irish playwright, critic
I always enjoy appearing before a British audience. Even if they don’t feel like laughing, they nod their heads to show they’ve understood.
Bob Hope (b. 1903) American comedian