Quotes on “Wisdom” 10 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Wisdom Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Some folks are wise, and some are otherwise.

Tobias Smollett (1721-1771) Scottish novelist, surgeon


There is somebody wiser than any of us, and that is everybody.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) emperor of the French


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Bible, Psalms


Truth from his lips prevailed with double sway, And fools, who came to scoff, remained to pray.

Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) Anglo-Irish author


It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen.

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) American writer, physician


Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.

Emil Nolde (1867-1956) German painter


History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.

Abba Eban (b. 1915) Israeli politician


Many a crown of wisdom is but the golden chamberpot of success, worn with pompous dignity.

Paul Eldridge (b. 1888) American writer


He who is only wise lives a sad life.

Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer


The cat, having sat upon a hot stove lid, will not sit upon a hot stove lid again. Nor upon a cold stove lid.

Mark Twain (1835-1910) American author



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