Quotes on “Retirement” 5 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Retirement Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Fear no more the heart o’ the sun, Nor the furious winter’s rages; Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone and ta’en thy wages.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English dramatist, poet


Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time.

Malcolm Muggeridge (b. 1903) British journalist


Americans hardly ever retire from business: they are either carried out feet first or they jump from a window.

Professor A. L Goodhart (1891-1978) American lawyer


When a man retires and time is no longer a matter of urgent importance, his colleagues generally present him with a clock.

R. C. Sherriff (1896-1975) British author


Lord Tyrawley and I have been dead these two years, but wedon’t choose to have it known.

Lord Chesterfield (1694-1773) English statesman, man of letters


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