Quotes on “Patience” 17 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Patience Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Patience and perseverance overcome mountains.

  M K Gandhi


A man without patience is a lamp without oil.

  Andres Segovia


 Patience is a bitter plant but it has sweet fruit.

 German Proverb


 Adopt the peace of nature, her secret is patience.



 How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees.



 The bud may have better taste, But sweet will be the flower.

 William Cowper


 They also serve who only stand and wait.



 Patience is a virtue.



 Though patience be a tired mare yet she will plod.



 Everything comes to him who waits.



 Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.



 Patience is the companion of wisdom.

 St Augustine


 Everything comes of a man will only wait.

  Benjamin Disraeli


 Beware the fury of a patient man.



 Patience is the virtue of an ass, That trots beneath his burthen, and is quiet.

George Granville



 We had better wait and see.

Herbert Asquith


 Our patience will achieve more than our force.

Edmund Burke



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