Quotes on “Love” 53 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Love Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Love is love’s reward.



Love is the business of the idle, but the idleness of the busy.



In love, loss and gain are harmonised.

Rabindranath Tagore


Bondage and liberation are not antagonistic in love.

Rabindranath Tagore


Love is the noblest frailty of the mind.



Love is ever the beginning of knowledge as fire is of light.



In the last analysis, love is only the reflection of a man’s own worthiness from other men.



Love, which is the essence of God, is not for levity, but for the total worth of man.



Love is a fine flower, but unity of consciousness is the root.

Sri Aurobindo


Love is the salt of life.

John Sheffield


Love is an appetite of generation by the meditation of beauty.



Love is the god who gives safety to the city.



But love is such a mystery.

I cannot find it out;

For when I think I’m best resolved,

I then am most in doubt.

Sir John Suckling


The first condition of human goodness is something to love; the second, something to reverence.

George Eliot


Love and a cough cannot be hid.

George Herbert


Love is like the measles—all the worse when it comes late in life.

Douglas -Jerrold


Spice a dish with love and it pleases every plautus. To love is human; to be indulgent is human, too.



Whom we love best, to them we can say least.

John Ray


Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.



But love is blind, and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit.



Anon her heart hath pity of his woe,

And with that pity love came in also.



In women pity begets love, in men love begets pity.



Tis hard to be in love and to be wise.

Nathaniel Lee


Love draws me one way, reason another.



If you remember’st not the slightest folly

That ever love did make thee run into.

Thou hast not lov’d.



Analysis kills love, as well as other things.

John Brown


For love can beauties spy In what seem faults to every common eye.

John Gay


Could I her faults remember,

Forgetting every charm,

Soon would impartial reason

The tyrant love disarm.



We are all born for love; it is the principle of existence and its only end.

Benjamin Disraeli


Take love away from life and you take away its pleasures.



Man dreams of fame, while woman wakes to love.




Love lessens woman’s delicacy and increases man’s.

Jean Paul Richter


That you may be loved, be lovable.



The only present love demands is love.

John Gay


If there’s delight in love, ’tis when I see That heart which others bled for, bleed for me.



The devil take me, if I think anything but love to be the object of love.



Love for love is evenest bought.



The sight. of lovers feedeth those in love.



Love’s a malady without a cure.



Love, the sole disease thou canst not cure.



Love, the mild servant, makes a drunken master.

John Masefield


No cord nor cable can so forcibly draw, or hold so fast, as love can.do with a twined thread.

Robert Burton


Love rules his kingdom without a sword.

Grorge Herbert


He that hath love in his breast, hath spurs in his sides.

George Herbert


For love is heaven, and heaven is love.



O powerful love ! that in some respects makes a beast a man, in some other, a man a beast.



Jupiter himself was turned into a satyr, a shepherd, a bull, a swan, a golden shower, and what not for love.

Robert Burton


Love’s law is out of rule.

John Cower


He loves little who loves by rule.



Of love that fairest joys give most unrest



Of honey and of gall in love there is store;

The honey is much, but the gall is more.



And love is lovelist when embalm’d in tears.



The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.

Robert Burton



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