Quotes on “Innocence” 8 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Innocence Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


 Where, my God, where oh Lord, where or when was I, your servant, innocent.

 St. Augustine


 Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see god.

 Bible, Matthew 5:8


 Innocence dwells with wisdom, but never with ignorance.

 William Blake


 The innocent are God’s elect.

 St. Clement


 Teach us delight in simple things, And mirth that has no better springs.

Rudyard Kipling


 The innocent and the beautiful Have no enemy but time.

W.B. Yeats


 I love my work and my children. God Is distant, difficult. Things happen. Too near the ancient troughs of blood Innocence is no earthly weapon.

Geoffrey Hill


 Unto the pure all things are pure




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