Quotes on “Innocence” 8 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Innocence Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Every harlot was a virgin once.

William Blake (1757-1827) English poet, artist


I used to be Snow White — but I drifted.

Mae West (1892-1980) American film actress


Innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself.

Joan Didion (b. 1934) American writer


Innocence is like a dumb leper who has lost his bell, wandering the world, meaning no harm.

Graham Greene (b. 1904) British novelist


Only the old are innocent. That is what the Victorians understood, and the Christians. Original sin is the property of the young. The old grow beyond corruption very quickly.

Malcolm Bradbury (b. 1932) British author


Men do not suspect faults which they do not commit.

Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English author, lexicographer


He was a simple soul who had not been introduced to his own subconscious.

Warwick Deeping (1877-1950) British author


Look for me in the nurseries of heaven.

Francis Thompson (1859-1907) English poet



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