Quotes on “Idealism” 13 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Idealism Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


When they come downstairs from their ivory towers, idealists are apt to walk straight into the gutter.

Logan Pearsall Smith (1865-1946) Anglo-American essayist


We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the tars.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Anglo-Irish author


A man gazing at the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles in the road.

Alexander Smith (1830-1867) Scottish poet


The idealist is incorrigible: if he is thrown out of his heaven he makes an ideal of his hell.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) German philosopher


He was one of those men who think that the world can be saved by writing a pamphlet.

Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) English prime minister


It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favour of vegetarianism while the wolf remains of a different opinion.

W. R. Inge (1860-1954) Dean of St. Paul’s, London


One should never put on one’s best trousers when going out to battle for freedom and truth.

Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) Norwegian dramatist


Saddle your dreams afore you ride ’em.

Mary Webb (1881-1927) British author.


An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous.

Henry Ford (1863-1947) American industrialist


An idealist is a man who looks at a rose, and thinks, because it smells sweet, it will make better soup than a cabbage.

H. L Mencken (1880-1956) American journalist


Idealism increases in direct proportion to one’s distance from the problem.

John Galsworthy (1867-1933) English novelist, dramatist


Idealism is the despot of thought, just as politics is the despot of will.

Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) Russian political theorist


The idealist walks on tiptoe, the materialist on his heels.

Malcolm de Chazal (1902-1981) French writer



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