Quotes on “Good Deeds” 8 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Good Deeds Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


The luxury of doing good surpasses every other personal enjoyment.

John Gay (1685-1732) English playwright, poet


It is the mark of a good action that it appears inevitable in retrospect.

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Scottish author


That best portion of a good man’s life, His little, nameless, unremembered, acts Of kindness and of love.

William Wordsworth (1770-1850) English poet


The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident.

Charles Lamb (1775-1834) English essayist, critic


Verily the kindness that gazes upon itself in a mirror turns to stone, And a good deed that calls itself by tender names becomes the parent to a curse.

Kahla Gibran (1883-1931) Syrian poet, mystic


The deed is all, not the glory.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)


Every good deed is more than three parts pride.

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) French novelist


The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) Anglo-American poet


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