Quotes on “Democracy” 14 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Democracy Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


All men are democrats when they are happy.

G. K. Chesterton


Your little child is your only true democrat.

Mrs. Stowe


Government of the people, by the people, for the people.



Democracy demands discipline, tolerance and mutual regard.

Jawaharlal Nehru


Democracy arose from men’s thinking that if they are equal in any respect, they are equal absolutely.



Democracy demands discipline, tolerance and mutual regard.

Jawaharlal Nehru


Peace abroad aids democracy at home.

V. K. Krishna Henan


The world must be made safe for democracy.

Woodrow Wilson


Freedom in a democracy is the glory of the State, and, therefore, in democracy only will the free man of nature deign to dwell.



Democracy is a habit of mind. It believes in the dignity of individual.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan


Political violence is inconsistent with democracy.

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan


Envy is the basis of democracy.



The most popular man under a democracy is not the most democratic man, but the most despotic man.

H. L. Mencken


Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

Bernard Shaw



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