Quotes on “Death” 12 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Death Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Death is the end of life; ah why

Should life all labour be.



Death is sometimes a rude valet, but when he changes this robe of earth for that brighter raiment, his horseplay and impertinence can be pardoned.

Sri Aurobindo


Death is the veil which those who live call life: They sleep, and it is lifted.



The sleeping partner of life.

Horace Smith


When death puts out the flame, the snuff will tell If we are wax or tallow, by the smell.

 Benjamin Franklin


Why worry one’s head over a thing that is inevitable?

Why die before one’s death?

Mahatma Gandhi


Death is a debt we all must pay.



Man rests in the jaws of death. He is said to be dead when the jaws close.

Mahatma Gandhi


Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity.



It is a poor thing for anyone to fear that which is inevitable.



O’ earth, where is thy sting ? 0 grave, where is thy victory ?

New Testament—Corinthions


And when one comes to think of it, death and birth are closely correlated that one could not destroy either without destroying the other at the same time. It is extinction that makes creation possible.

Samuel Butler



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