Quotes on “Criticism” 21 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Criticism Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


A good critic is one who narrates the adventures of his mind among master pieces.

 Anatolia France


Criticism is a study by which men grow important and formidable at very small expense.

 Samuel Johnson


People ask you for criticism; but they only want praise.

 Somerset Maugham


Criticism of public men is a welcome sign of public awakening. It keeps workers on the alert.

 J. L. Nehru


Criticism is the windows and chandeliers of art. It illuminates the enveloping darkness in which art might otherwise rest only vaguely discernible and perhaps altogether unseen

George Jean Nathan


As far as criticism is concerned, we don’t resent that unless it is absolutely biased, as it is in most cases.

 John Vorster


Throughout my life I have gained more from my critic friends than from my admirers.

 M. K Gandhi


Reviewers are usually people who would have been poets, historians, biographers, if they could; they have tried their talent at one or the other and have failed therefore they turn critics.

 Samuel Taylor Coleridge


A man is a critic when hecannot be an artist, in the same way that a man becomes an informer when he cannot be a soldier.

 Gustave Flaubert


I would rather be attacked than unnoticed, for the worst thing you can do to an author is to be silent as to his works.

 Samuel Johnson


Interpretation is the revenge of the intellect upon art.

 Susan Sontag


Criticism is easy and art is difficult.

 P. N. Destouches


Criticism though dignified from the earlier; ages by the labours of men eminent for knowledge and sagacity and, since the revival of polite literature, the favourite study of European scholars has not yet attained the certainty and stability of science.

 Samuel Johnson


The critical taste does not depend upon a superior principle in men, but upon superior knowledge.

 Edmund Burke


You may amuse a tragedy though you cannot write one. You may scold a carpenter who has made you a bad table though you cannot make a table. It is not your trade to make tables.

 Samuel Johnson


Criticism strips the tree of both caterpillars and blossoms.

 Jean Paul Richter


I have always very much despised the artificial canons of criticism. When I have read a work in prose or poetry, or seen a painting, a statue, etc. I have only asked myself whether it gives me pleasure, whether it is animating, interesting, attaching. If it is good for those reasons.

 Thomas Jefferson


The ultimate end of criticism is much more to establish the principles of writing than to furnish rules how to pass in judgement on what has been written by others; if indeed, it were possible that the two could be separated.

 S. T. Coleridge


In criticism I will be bold and sternly, absolutely just with friend and foe. From this purpose nothing shall turn me I shall aim at originality, the body of the work more than at any other especial quality.

 E. A. Poe


It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.

 Benjamin Disraeli


Criticism, carried to the height worthy of it, is a majestic office, perhaps an art, perhaps even a church.

 Walt Whitman



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