Quotes on “Conversation” 15 Best Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status in English.

Conversation Quotes for Whatsapp and Facebook Status


Talk to every woman as if you loved her, and to every man as if he bored you, and at the end of your first season you will have the reputation of possessing the most perfect social tact.

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) Anglo-Irish writer


Great talkers are so constituted that they do not know their own thoughts until, on the tide of their particular gift, they hear them issuing from their mouths.

Thornton Wilder (1897-1975) American author

Say nothing good of yourself, you will be distrusted; say nothing bad of yourself, you will be taken at your word.

Joseph Roux (1834-1886) French priest, writer


Inquisitive people are merely funnels of conversation. They do not take in anything for their own use, but merely to pass it on to others.

Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729) English dramatist, essayist, editor


With thee conversing I forget all time.

John Milton (1608-1674) English poet


No man would listen to you talk if he didn’t know it was his turn next.

Ed (E. W.) Howe (1853-1937)


I find we are growing serious, and then we are in great danger of being dull.

William Congreve (1670-1729) English dramatist


Sir, you have but two topics, yourself and me. I am sick of both.

Dr. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English author, lexicographer


We often forgive those who bore us, but we cannot forgive those whom we bore.

Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) French writer, moralist


Your ignorance cramps my conversation.

Anthony Hope Hawkins (1863-1933) British novelist


Silence is the unbearable repartee.

G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) British author


He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting.

Queen Victoria of England (1819-1901) of Mr. Gladstone


When we talk in company we lose our unique tone of voice, and this leads us to make statements which in no way correspond to our real thoughts.

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)German philosopher


Ideally I’d like to spend two evenings a week talking to Proust and another conversing with the Holy Ghost.

Edna O’Brien (b. 1936) Irish author


And when you stick on conversation’s burrs, Don’t strew your pathway with those dreadful urs.

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

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